Kötlugosinu 1918 fylgdi mikið gjóskufall.
- Guðrún Larsen 2000. Holocene eruptions within the Katla volcanic system, south Iceland: Characteristics and environmental impact. Jökull 49: 1-28.
- Larsen, G. 2010. Katla - Tephrochronology and eruption history. In: A. Schomacker, J. Krüger, and K. Kjær (eds): The Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, Iceland: glacial processes, sediments and landforms on an active volcano. Development in Quaternary Science 13, 23-49. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Katla 1918 á is.wikipedia.org. Sótt 13. 3 .2012.
Hér er einnig svarað spurningunni:
Hvað dóu margir í Kötlugosinu 1918?